
ESRI GIS Software – ArcGIS

For more than 30 years, ESRI has been providing leading edge technology to today’s most successful companies and organizations. As a leader in GIS Technology, ESRI offers innovative solutions that will help you create, visualize, analyze, and present information better and more clearly.

Aruna Technology Ltd. is an authorized ESRI reseller in Cambodia. We offers the full suite of ESRI software and support services and our staff include ESRI certified trainers.

ArcGIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products for building a complete GIS. ArcGIS enables users to deploy GIS functionality wherever it is needed in desktops, servers, or custom applications; over the Web; or in the field.




Unlock the value of spatial data

ArcGIS Pro is the premier desktop geographic information system (GIS) application. Crafted with user-driven innovations, it offers unparalleled tools and capabilities that support your work. Users can maintain spatial data effectively; generate stunning 2D, 3D, and 4D visualizations; and conduct advanced mapping analytics. The seamless data sharing within the ArcGIS system fosters valuable GIS solutions and insights.

Transform data into maps and actionable information

Combine multiple data sources to make maps that are as smart as they are beautiful. Use scientific analytical tools on 2D, 3D, and 4D data to identify patterns, make predictions, and answer questions. Quickly share projects and information within your organization, online, and through mobile apps.

Integrate data from multiple sources

ArcGIS Pro seamlessly integrates tabular data, drawings, cloud data warehouses, and more, ensuring the inclusion of various datasets and formats.

Visualize your data

Display data in 2D and 3D simultaneously. Manage multiple maps and layouts in a single project-based workflow.

Edit and analyze your data

Simplify data editing and analysis with context-sensitive tools. Perform interactive 2D and 3D analysis. Automate work with ModelBuilder or Python.

Share your work with the world

Publish maps and analysis results as web services or high-quality prints. Share maps and data on ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, or as a package.



Make maps

Build interactive maps that explain your data and encourage users to explore. Map your own data and gain perspective by adding the authoritative location-based data included in ArcGIS Online. Use smart mapping to guide your data exploration and visualisation.

Share maps and apps

Share your maps with specific groups or everyone. Create web apps with your maps for a focused, interactive experience. Then integrate the apps you built into your digital presence including your website, social media posts, and blog articles.


Work effectively across your organisation to build and use maps. Users receive secure, straightforward access to the data, maps, and apps they need to do their work. ArcGIS Online is enterprise ready, meaning it meets the security, authentication, and user management needs of large organisations.

Analyse data

Understand your data in the context of location by using intuitive analysis tools. Reveal relationships, identify prime locations, use optimal routes, and analyse patterns to make predictions. Add valuable context to your data by combining it with Esri’s demographic and lifestyle data.

Work with your data

Bring your data into a powerful system that geoenables, hosts, and scales. Update and add to your data without disrupting the maps and apps that use the data. Control who adds to, and modifies, your data.




Build your foundation with the system that has it all. Make maps, analyse geospatial data, and share results to solve problems. Our market-leading enterprise GIS mapping software will support your work and deliver results – on-premise or in the cloud.


With automation tools to get up and running quickly, ArcGIS Enterprise can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. Choose to customise as much as you want by adding ready-to-go capabilities and applications.


Connect to your own existing data stores and ready-to-use storage. Take advantage of Esri’s extensive collection of curated geospatial data for enhanced perspective.


Visualise your data spatially and start connecting the dots to improve your business decisions. From a simple web map to a fully customised application, you can choose the way you want your data to be displayed for maximum impact.


Perform analysis in your web browser with ArcGIS Enterprise tools that help you see patterns, trends, and anomalies in your data. Uncover the power of your data – whether it’s raster, big data, or real-time.

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