

We have a number of senior staff who can deliver training courses in GIS, GPS and image processing. Courses can be held at our modern computer training facility or we can come to your office or site. The courses can be delivered in Khmer or English language.

ArcGIS Desktop Training

Aruna Technology are authorised to deliver training courses from ESRI, the company behind ArcGIS. These international-standard courses are rich in GIS theory and hands-on exercises using real-world data. Whether you are a novice or seasoned GIS user, we have a course for you. Some of the courses from ESRI we offer are:

  • ArcGIS I: Introduction to ArcGIS – 4 days (Khmer) or 2 days (English)  More Info

This course introduces GIS concepts and ArcGIS tools used to visualize real-world features, discover patterns, obtain information, and communicate that information to others. Working primarily with ArcMap and ArcGIS Online, you will create GIS maps, explore the data behind the maps, and analyze maps and data as you master fundamental concepts that underlie GIS technology.

  • ArcGIS II: Essential Workflows – 5 days (Khmer) or 3 days (English) More Info

In this course, you will acquire skills that will prepare you to perform the most common ArcGIS workflows. Primarily using ArcMap and ArcGIS Online, you will explore, manage, and analyze geographic data and create informative maps. The course covers techniques to effectively share your ArcGIS work with decision makers, colleagues, and the public.

  • ArcGIS III: Performing Analysis  – 4 days (Khmer) or 2 days (English) More Info

This course teaches a standard workflow you can apply to any spatial analysis project. Working with a variety of ArcGIS tools and data, you will perform different types of analyses to efficiently create reliable results that support informed decision making. This course is taught using ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced and some course exercises use tools provided in the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.

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GPS Training

Training CMAC Staff in GPS

We offer custom training courses for both hand-held Garmin GPS and Survey-grade GPS. We have developed our own course material for GPS training in both Khmer and English language. Courses include lectures, classroom exercises and fieldwork to help you get the most out of your GPS equipment. Course topics include:

  • Understanding the menu system
  • Navigating
  • Marking points and recording tracks
  • Setting your map projection
  • Working with GPS and paper maps
  • Downloading data to a PC computer and integrating into a GIS

The training also includes practical exercises in the field. GPS Course Outline

PCI Geomatica

PCI Geomatica offer a diverse and powerful suite of image processing and analysis tools. With such a wide range of tools and a high level of theoretical and technical skills required, PCI Geomatica training will give you a head start in getting results from your satellite imagery and aerial photography. Courses can be customised to suit your requirements and might include the following topics;

  • importing and loading image data
  • georeferencing and ortho-rectification
  • radiometric correction
  • image enhancement and band combinations
  • classification
  • data management and compression
  • building and using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
  • preparing orthophotos from aerial photography